
Turnover Ceremony Covered Court With Stage of Marigondon Elementary School & Induction of PTA Officers. 
The emcees.

Grade 1-Rose Homeroom PTA Officers. The magic 7! =) More photos here .

Food section. See more photos here.

PTA officers, Teachers, and Guests populated the covered court. See for yourself here.
Cutting of Ribbon with Mayor Paz Radaza. More photos here.

MES Principal Mr. Velos delivered his speech. More photos here.
According to him, there will be 16 more rooms to be constructed in Marigondon Elementary School as what I've heard during his speech if I heard it right. I hope the deserving students (Fast Learner Students in Pilot Classes) should/must I say deserve the nice rooms (conducive rooms) as reward for their effort of studying hard because right now I can't see that scenario in Marigondon Elementary School unlike what had happened from the previous years. In reality, the smart and hard working people live in nice homes and have stuffs as rewards of their hardships of working from day to day living. We should apply also that in our school because school is the training ground for the future leaders of our country who will be well-educated, competitive, and smart citizens someday.

Past MES Principal, Ms. G. Jumao-as.
Thank you very much for your undying effort and support to MES. Greatly appreciated!

Mayor Paz Radaza delivered her speech. Thank You Very Much! More Power To You!

MES GPTA President A. Montayre. Thank you so much Mam! Two thumbs up for you!

Key of Responsibility. More photos here.

MES GPTA Officers. 

The crowd sang a "Happy Birthday" song to Father Sam. Happy Happy Bday, Father!

Induction of officers both GPTA and Homeroom PTA. More photos here.

Father Sam blessed the covered court and stage with Holy Water. More photos here

Grade 3 - Courage PTA Officers. More photos here.

Lunch time. More photos here.

Lorna (Divine's Mom) and Me for the 1st time selfie together.=) More photos of friends here.

THE END!!!=) 


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